Dennis Deery
Age of Conversation 3
March 24, 2010
Professional TechnologyTechnology
The 3rd edition of the great Age of Conversation book is soon to be released. This series collects a number of essays dealing with social media issues. I’m very pleased to announce that an essay of mine will be included in the latest edition of the book. A lot of the writers collected in this edition are great current thinkers on social media, so I’m happy to be in such great company!
links for 2010-03-21
March 22, 2010
[Librophile - Finding Free Audio Books Made Easy]( A massive collection of free audio books. (tags: [audio]( [books]( [Chabin Concepts]( A network of economic development professionals. They've produced a good report on what makes a good economic development web site. (tags: [ed]( [website](
links for 2010-03-17
March 18, 2010
Plan Cruncher A nifty tool to help you compress your business plan into a one-page summary with cool icons. (tags: businessplan business entrepreneurship)
links for 2010-03-09
March 10, 2010
QR-Code Generator Generate your own 2D bar codes. Now that more people are carrying iPhones and such, more people are able to scan codes and get info. (tags: barcode qr)
links for 2010-03-08
March 9, 2010
[2010 Torrents (Home of the (UNOFFICIAL) SXSW Torrents)]( A collection of music from all the artists appearing at South-by-Southwest. Gigabytes of free, legal music. (tags: [music]( [mp3]( [flame | peter blaskovic | escape motions]( Very cool drawing tool. (tags: [design]( [wallpaper]( [art]( [Wordpress Themes - SimpleThemes]( One of the best collections of Wordpress themes I've ever seen. (tags: [wordpress]( [themes](
links for 2010-03-01
March 2, 2010
[Google Analytics for Facebook Fan Pages - PHP, Web and IT stuff]( An easy technique for using Google Analytics to track your Facebook fan pages. Handy! (tags: [facebook]( [analytics]( [Ugolog - Video monitoring online]( A free service to offer online webcam monitoring of your home. (tags: [webcam]( [security](
links for 2010-02-18
February 19, 2010
Free For All: Web Design Resources | A great collection of resources for web designers - wireframing stencils, browser testing, free icons, etc. (tags: icons design web)
links for 2010-02-10
February 11, 2010
The Best Android Developer Resources — Constant Contact Labs A great list of resources from someone who’s currently working on developing an Android app. (tags: android development)
links for 2010-02-09
February 10, 2010
Expand Your Web Design Font Choices, Part 1 | An easier way to embed fonts within your web using an online hosted service. (tags: font design css)
links for 2010-02-01
February 2, 2010
Cool Infographics - Cool Infographics - 16 Infographic Resumes, A Visual Trend A really awesome collection of resumes for designers - presented as information graphics. (tags: infographics design)
Council of Rural Initiatives Web Launch
December 16, 2009
Marketing Rural Issues Technology
Congratulations to our friends at the Council of Rural Initiatives on the launch of their new web site, developed by Irish Rose Consulting. This was a short-timeframe project, so we made use of Wordpress with a pre-developed template. We’re happy to be able to support the efforts of this new organization working for rural Wisconsin.
[![CRI Web Site](]( ![](
Now THAT'S Customer Support
October 27, 2009
Marketing Technology
Since our time living in Ireland, I’ve been using a great online service called ConnectMe Anywhere. This service allows you to purchase phone numbers in dozens of countries and forward them to your own phone. Using this, I was able to provide a U.S. phone number that rang my mobile phone in Ireland, and since we’ve moved back I’ve been able to keep an Irish phone number that rings here in the U.
Now That's a Sale!
May 6, 2009
Congratulations to Irish Rose Consulting client Hartung Brothers, Inc. of Madison. They’ve signed an agreement to sell their wholesale fertilizer division to The Andersons, an agribusiness based in Maumee, Ohio. We’ve enjoyed working with the folks in the fertilizer division over the past several years, helping with custom software as they expanded their operation. We wish them all the best in their new home.
Happy Birthday Irish Rose Consulting!
March 17, 2009
Professional TechnologyTechnology
This year Irish Rose Consulting is celebrating 20 years in business. Since the exact start date has been lost to the mists of time, I decided what better day to call our birthday than St. Patrick’s Day.
In 1989 I was a student at UW-Platteville. One of my part-time jobs was working on an excellent research-and-development project for Niall Enterprises, run by Jack O’Neill, a professor at Platteville. My friend Rick Eagen was also working on the project.
links for 2009-03-11
March 12, 2009
[WBC Protest at UChicago - a set on Flickr]( The hateful folks at Westboro Baptist Church recently brought their lame protest to the University of Chicago. Students responded with a little protest of their own, nicely proving that the best counter to hateful speech is more and better speech. (tags: [politics]( [religion]( [SUB-MIT: The Great McMurdo Jello-Wrestling All-Hands Meeting | Frontierwatch]( Apparently, Jello wrestling is NOT acceptable behavior at the McMurdo Antarctica research station.
links for 2009-03-10
March 11, 2009
[/ BEVOdesign / print and webdesign by Ben Voos]( A very cool portfolio site using a zooming interface. (tags: [interface]( [zoom]( [zui]( [ - The "Real" Online Bookstore]( A cool online bookstore with some of the feel of a real bookstore. (tags: [book](
links for 2009-03-05
March 6, 2009
Acquia Drupal | Acquia A pre-built installation of Drupal with common modules included. (tags: drupal)
links for 2009-02-23
February 24, 2009
The Places We Live An amazing site showing slums around the world. An incredible reminder of how fortunate we are, and how much more we need to be doing. (tags: poverty slums storytelling)
links for 2009-02-16
February 17, 2009
[ZoomProspector - Search best communities for business]( Quickly find demographic and business information for any community. (tags: [property]( [economics]( []( A great site discussing the idea of the public commons. (tags: [commons]( [copyright]( [cooperation]( [Font Generator]( Create a computer font of your very own handwriting. (tags: [handwriting]( [typography]( [fonts]( [Sketchory]( A collection of 250,000 Creative Commons-licensed sketches. (tags: [sketches]( [drawing]( [creativecommons](
links for 2009-02-13
February 14, 2009
[ - Photo effects with one click, Turn your photos into artwork.]( Cool site to convert your photos into various forms of artwork. Automated and easy-to-use versions of Photoshop filters. (tags: [avatar]( [photo]( [photoshop]( []( A new web site that aggregates free spoken word recordings from around the web. Includes audio books, presentations, etc. (tags: [podcasts]( [speech]( [audio](