Dennis Deery


links for 2008-05-19

May 19, 2008

Freebase: an open, shared database of the world’s knowledge Cool stuff. (tags: database opensource)

links for 2008-05-17

May 17, 2008

[Census Atlas of the United States]( The first comprehensive atlas of population and housing produced by the Census Bureau since the 1920s. Data from decennial censuses prior to 2000 support nearly 150 maps and figures, providing context and an historical perspective for many of the topics p (tags: [census]( [reference]( [statistics]( [population]( [AfriGadget]( A blog showing ingenious gadgets from Africa. Basic needs-type stuff, but they get the job done.

links for 2008-05-16

May 16, 2008

Yahoo Releases Internet Location Platform An interesting API from Yahoo for dealing with real-world locations. (tags: geo api location)

links for 2008-05-14

May 14, 2008

[ - Comic Life for Windows]( Software to make your own comics. I might try this for graphics for my next presentation. (tags: [comics]( [photo]( [Unique Skins - Custom Vinyl Skins For Mobile Phones, iPod, MP3 Players, Gaming Consoles and More!]( Design a protective vinyl skin for your laptop or MP3 player. Cheap! (tags: [skins]( [laptop](

links for 2008-05-12

May 12, 2008

[Annals of Innovation: In the Air: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker]( An article from Malcolm Gladwell on the process of invention. Very cool. I want to do that kind of stuff when I grow up. (tags: [innovation]( [invention]( [Gladwell]( [Psychology of Intelligence Analysis — Central Intelligence Agency]( The CIA's manual on intelligence analysis. Some good info here for consultants and others that must take in a lot of information.

links for 2008-05-08

May 8, 2008

Technology - Watch Live Streaming News From the USA & World - Beta Version Get streaming news video from TV stations around the world. (tags: news video)

links for 2008-05-07

May 7, 2008

[Information Design Patterns]( A whole batch of patterns for displaying information. (tags: [design]( [visualization]( [information]( [patterns]( [John Templeton Foundation : Natural Sciences,Human Sciences,Philosophy and Theology,Character Development,Freedom and Free Enterprise,Gifted Education,World Religions]( A foundation that's new to me. "Supporting Science - investing in the big questions." I like the tagline. (tags: [development]( [entrepreneurship]( [funding]( [Track Your Gas Mileage with FuelFrog]( An easy online way to track gas mileage. Like the integration with Twitter.

links for 2008-05-06

May 6, 2008

The Things That Carried Him - Joe Montgomery - Iraq Casualties - Army Funeral - Esquire An article from Esquire magazine covering the final trip home for one American soldier killed in Iraq. Incredibly powerful stuff, a must-read. (tags: iraq)

links for 2008-05-05

May 5, 2008

[Open Innovation | Innovation Management]( An open marketplace for ideas. Want to solve a challenge? Check their database of problems in need of solution. Got a problem? Submit it here and offer some cash for a solution. Interesting idea, but they need more problems in their database. (tags: [innovation]( [crowdsourcing]( [Cambridge University Press eBook Store]( The Cambridge Press is now offering a bunch of their books in e-book format.

links for 2008-05-01

May 1, 2008

Experts Choice An Amazon web store that asked a dozen top bloggers what books they’d recommend. It’s a great list - I’d recommend most of the books listed here. All profits go to a good cause. (tags: books)

links for 2008-04-30

April 30, 2008

[FontStruct | Build, Share, Download Fonts]( Build your own font, online. (tags: [fonts]( [design]( [twistori]( A scrolling view into the Twitter universe. A collection of random thoughts on the themes love, hate, think, believe, feel, wish. Kinda cool. (tags: [twitter]( [visualization](

links for 2008-04-28

April 28, 2008

[101 CSS Techniques Of All Time- Part 1]( Lots of great stuff here for web developers. (tags: [CSS]( [Magnatune: license music and MP3 download]( A great online music source. They sell MP3 files with no DRM. While their selection isn't terribly broad yet, they've got some good stuff. You can pay whatever you feel the music is worth. (tags: [music]( [mp3]( [creativecommons]( [ - Home]( An online magazine focused on tech usage in government agencies.

links for 2008-04-23

April 23, 2008

[Best Top Graphic Design Blogs and Articles]( A list of graphic design resources. Lots of gold here. (tags: [design]( [webdesign]( [NASA's top 10 views of Earth | CNET]( Awesome pictures from NASA for Earth Day. (tags: [photos](

Dublin OpenCoffee in the News

April 21, 2008
Professional Technology
Marie Boran of has posted a nice article about the OpenCoffee movement in Ireland. Yours truly is quoted in the article. OpenCoffee is an informal networking event attended mainly by people in the tech industry. It’s been a great event to help me meet people in Dublin (and other communities in Ireland), and is a great chance to get freelancers out of their bubble to meet people in the same situation as themselves.

links for 2008-04-14

April 14, 2008

Citizen Wausau A really nicely-designed and well-written citizen journalism project from Wausau, Wisconsin. (tags: citizenjournalism webdesign wisconsin)

links for 2008-04-12

April 12, 2008

The 50 Greatest Comedy Sketches of All Time - While I can’t quite agree with everything on the list, it’s a pretty good collection. And I can wholeheartedly agree with their #1 pick. (tags: comedy video)

links for 2008-04-11

April 11, 2008

[apophenia: musing about social networks and g/local cultures]( Some interesting thoughts about "buy local" in this era of big-box retail. (tags: [community]( [socialmedia]( [Text to Speech Software with AT&T Natural Voices, NeoSpeech, Acapela, Nuance SAPI Voices™]( Just like it says there. (tags: [text-to-speech](

links for 2008-04-09

April 9, 2008

Memorial Day Air Show from Jones Beach A pretty amazing set of pictures from the Memorial Day Air Show in New York City. (tags: airshow)

links for 2008-04-07

April 7, 2008

[MSDN Code Gallery]( Resources for Visual Studio 2008. (tags: [linq]( [vb]( [programming]( [Blueprint Grid CSS Generator]( Generator for use with the brilliant Blueprint CSS framework. (tags: [css]( [blueprint]( [webdesign](

links for 2008-04-01

April 1, 2008

FlickrStorm. Search on Flickr with some Magic A great tool for searching and examining images on Flickr. (tags: flickr photos)