Dennis Deery
Sometimes you get lucky...
November 15, 2006
![](/irelandimages/dunbrodyship.jpg) The pic above shows the Dunbrody Famine Ship, which is open for tours in New Ross, County Wexford, not too far from Waterford. We happened to spot the lovely view on our return from a trip to Dublin a couple of weeks ago.
How's This Working For You?
October 2, 2006
As you can see in the few posts below, I’ve started to use a different method to post pics and descriptions on here. It’s working a lot better for me, but I’m wondering how you readers like it? Are you able to view the pics okay? Do you prefer this new way to the old way? Are the pics too small, or do you prefer them that way so they load quicker?
Class of 1986 20-Year Reunion
August 3, 2006
The Belmont High Class of 1986 has survived 20 years out of school, mostly intact. Click here to see some pics from the recent reunion.
"Big box" retail doesn't have to be a big ugly box
June 30, 2005
![]( This Barnes & Noble store in Rochester, Minnesota was built in an old theater. Hey Walmart, take note. You're a wealthy corporation. When you move to a small town that doesn't want a big box, why don't you see if you can come up with a better design that fits the scale of the community instead of using your lawyers to steamroll the community?
June 10, 2005
“You’re being unrealistic,” they said.
“I don’t like the current reality,” he replied, “so I’m okay with that.”
May 8, 2005
![]( Just a thought... If you're a community trying to boost your tourist traffic, perhaps a banner advertising hazardous waste collection, complete with skull-and-crossbones, isn't the best thing to hang over your trendy downtown.