Dennis Deery
Wisconsin Rural Leadership Program Online Auction
February 3, 2008
Rural Issues
WRLP is holding an online auction to raise funds to support their programs. If you’ve been reading this blog a while, you know WRLP is a program I think very highly of - it truly changes lives. Check out their auction, bid early, bid often!
links for 2008-01-29
January 29, 2008
[Is the Tipping Point Toast? -- Duncan Watts -- Trendsetting]( Some interesting research that seems to rebut the premise of Gladwell's "The Tipping Point". (tags: [Marketing]( [tippingpoint]( [apophenia: the absurdities of Davos]( Some interesting thoughts from a first-time attendee at the Davos World Economic Forum. (tags: [business]( [davos]( [nmc | the new media consortium]( The New Media Consortium (NMC) is a community of hundreds of leading universities, colleges, museums, and research centers.
links for 2008-01-28
January 28, 2008
[13 GRANDMOTHERS]( Needed wisdom. (tags: [grandmothers]( [peace]( [indigenous]( [A wedding]( Simple but beautiful words about an Irish wedding. (tags: [writing]( [The Airport Security Follies - Jet Lagged - Air Travel - Opinion - New York Times Blog]( A well-written tirade against the fantasy that is today's airport security system. Couldn't have said it better myself. (tags: [security]( [terrorism](
links for 2008-01-26
January 26, 2008
World Economic Forum - Podcasts and Webcasts Bill Gates proposes a new approach to capitalism in his latest speech at the Davos World Economic Forum. (tags: davos)
links for 2008-01-25
January 25, 2008
[Martin Luther King - Nobel Lecture]( Marting Luther King's Nobel acceptance speech. Great words. Go read it. Now. (tags: [ethics]( [nonviolence]( [Photos from The Library of Congress]( The Library of Congress is now posting photos to Flickr. There's some truly beautiful stuff here. (tags: [Photography]( [photos]( [libraryofcongress]( [Time Management for Creative People]( Some good tips in this free e-book. (tags: [productivity]( [creativity]( [GTD]( [Interview: Dan Gisolfi, IBM's Mashup Enabler](http://ie.
links for 2008-01-24
January 24, 2008
[Glendalough - Walking Ireland - Welcome]( A great site of photos and walks around Glendalough, one of our favorite places in Ireland. (tags: [ireland]( [Big Think - We Are What You Think]( Billed as "YouTube for intellectuals", this site shows videos of people pontificating on big questions. (tags: [video]( [politics]( [Iraq: The War Card - The Center for Public Integrity]( 935 false statements! (tags: [iraq]( [war](
links for 2008-01-08
January 8, 2008
53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without | CSS | Smashing Magazine A great list of CSS resources. (tags: css design)
links for 2007-12-12
December 12, 2007
Disparities: With Cancer Treatment, an Edge for Rural Patients - New York Times Some interesting research on urban vs. rural in care for cancer patients. (tags: rural)
links for 2007-12-10
December 10, 2007
Dumpr Play with your digital photos. (tags: photos tools)
links for 2007-12-06
December 6, 2007
[Renewing the Countryside]( A great series of books detailing stories of rural development and preservation. (tags: [community]( [rural]( [Rural-Urban Interdependence]( Why metropolitan and rural America need each other - a paper from the Brookings Institution. (tags: [rural](
links for 2007-12-05
December 5, 2007
The Printable CEO™ Series A set of printable time-management forms. (tags: productivity organization calendar)
links for 2007-12-03
December 3, 2007
[The Oscar Wilde Collection]( I'm a recent arrival to Oscar Wilde's works - my Irish friends finally convinced me. (tags: [Wilde]( [US says it has right to kidnap British citizens - Times Online]( America once again places itself above the rest of the world. Can you imagine the outcry if Pakistan claimed a right to kidnap Americans off the street and take them to Pakistan prosecution? (tags: [politics]( [humanrights](http://del.
links for 2007-11-30
November 30, 2007
Universal Digital Library: Million Book Collection , hosted by Carnegie Mellon University A collection of free books. (tags: Books library ebooks)
links for 2007-11-28
November 28, 2007
Ponoko Make your own 3D objects. (tags: design manufacturing)
Thanksgiving in a Scottish Palace!
November 27, 2007
Ireland Photography
Our good friend Kat Lui is spending the fall semester teaching at the Wisconsin in Scotland program in Dalkeith, Scotland. This gave us the perfect chance to not only spend a second Thanksgiving in a row with Kat, but also to spend a few days and have Thanskgiving dinner in a palace. We flew from Dublin to Edinburgh on Wednesday evening, arriving to a rainy Edinburgh. We caught the airport bus to downtown Edinburgh, and my first glimpse of rainy Edinburgh was picture-perfect.
Tech design with thought
November 27, 2007
Professional TechnologyTechnology
CNet has a good interview with Don Norman, designer extraordinaire and author. I’d highly recommend his books, they’ll get you thinking about design in new ways. Best passage from the interview:
“It was only the development of the factory, the industrialized revolution, then later the white collar revolution that everybody had to be in their offices at the same time.
But guess what? We’re now in a world society. Making sure we’re all in the office at the same time assumes we’re all in the same time zone…I think we’ll find interesting mixes of scheduled activities where everyone must be encountered in more flex time, more flexibility.
links for 2007-11-20
November 20, 2007
Free Templates Free templates for CMS and blogging systems. (tags: css templates)