Dennis Deery


links for 2007-11-19

November 19, 2007

docstoc : find and share any document A collection of document templates. (tags: documents business)

links for 2007-11-16

November 16, 2007

How I Work: Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO - November 12, 2007 A good short hit on innovation from the CEO of one of the best design firms in the world. (tags: design)

links for 2007-11-15

November 15, 2007

Scotland Reduces Bus Fares for Passengers Who Supply Cooking Oil (tags: biodiesel)

links for 2007-11-10

November 10, 2007

Sounds & Soundboards - Over 65,000 audio clips on 5,000+ categorized soundboards. Or build, customize and manage your own audio soundboard at All the sounds you could ever need. (tags: sounds soundboard)

links for 2007-11-08

November 8, 2007

[Browsershots]( Test your web design in different browsers. (tags: [webdesign]( [browser]( [testing]( [Amazon FPS Hello World Sample in PHP and REST]( Use Amazon's Flexible Payment System from PHP. (tags: [amazon](

links for 2007-11-06

November 6, 2007

[IrishURLS | Breaking news, current affairs, sport, entertainment, business and technology news from Ireland]( All the latest news from Ireland's media outlets. (tags: [news]( [ireland]( [ - Send International SMS Text Messages]( Send SMS messages to phones anywhere in the world. (tags: [SMS](

links for 2007-11-05

November 5, 2007

25 Photographs Taken at the Exact Right Time (tags: photography)

links for 2007-11-03

November 3, 2007

iSkoot | Life on the go. Skype software for mobiles to allow cheap international calls. (tags: skype mobile)

links for 2007-11-02

November 2, 2007

[SimCity Societies: A Greener Version of the Urban Jungle: Scientific American]( The new version of Sim City, due soon, will allow people to build cities based on values rather than just on planning and zoning laws. Could be very cool to play with. (tags: [environment]( [games]( [Add Wireless Sync To Your Camera with Eye-Fi]( A 2GB SD memory card that also includes wi-fi to automatically upload your digital pics.

links for 2007-10-31

October 31, 2007

Tourist Remover Interesting automated tool to help remove people from photos. (tags: photos tools)

links for 2007-10-30

October 30, 2007

MD5 encoder - a service A handy tool to generate MD5 hash for recreating lost passwords. (tags: md5)

links for 2007-10-25

October 25, 2007

[Towards Developing an Entrepreneurship Policy for Ireland]( Forfas looks at developing entrepreneurship in Ireland. (tags: [entrepreneurship]( [Cultivate Centre - Home]( A sustainable living center in Dublin. (tags: [ireland]( [sustainability](

links for 2007-10-18

October 18, 2007

[I Heart Zappos]( A story about great customer care. Why can't online companies act like locals? (tags: [customerservice]( [business]( [The Grief That Made 'Peanuts' Good -]( A review from Bill Watterson, creator of "Calivn and Hobbes", of a new Charles Schulz biography. (tags: [peanuts]( [biography]( [blognation Ireland » Blog Archive » Time for]( Irish blogger Conor O'Neill offers a great idea - why don't governments provide an open application-programming interface to their mounds of data?

links for 2007-10-17

October 17, 2007

Symbian Developer Network Software development for Nokia S60 phones running Symbian OS. (tags: symbian development mobile nokia)

links for 2007-10-13

October 13, 2007

[Business Week Reinvents The Magazine--Make Way For Curating The Conversation Through Aggregation, Briefings, And Story-Telling.]( Business Week launches a new look today hoping to set the template for how magazines work in the internet era. Could be interesting. (tags: [magazine]( [BusinessWeek]( [Profile Ireland - Irish Tech Company Profiles]( Profiles of Irish tech companies by Damien Mulley. (tags: [ireland]( [Atwood Knife and Tool]( Some great pocket tools. (tags: [tools](http://del.

links for 2007-10-07

October 7, 2007

A Force More Powerful A video game that teaches nonviolent methods of influencing the political environment. (tags: education nonviolence games)

links for 2007-10-03

October 3, 2007

Unmatched Themes | Only the Best Free WordPress Themes Free WordPress themes - some good designs here. (tags: wordpress themes)

links for 2007-10-02

October 2, 2007

[Google Checkout for Non-Profits]( Google Checkout is offering free credit-card payment processing for non-profit organizations through the end of 2008. Great deal! (tags: [google]( [nonprofit]( [checkout]( [donations]( [KeyJnote]( An interesting slide-display program for presentations - looks like it's worth checking out. (tags: [presentation]( [ - EdgecastMedia]( Recorded presentations from this past weekend's PodCamp Ireland. Will have more to say about this in an upcoming post - it was a good conference!

links for 2007-09-25

September 25, 2007

[How to Change the World: TechShop: Geek Heaven]( An open-membership shop with all the tools you'd need to build your own... Whatever! [How to be interesting]( Some great ideas here... [Jaiku Friday]( Bernie Goldbach offers the best summary I've seen to date of some interesting uses for services like Jaiku and Twitter. (tags: [Jaiku]( [Devaluing Science - Jonathan H. Adler]( A good article about the relationship between politics, policy, science and scientists.

links for 2007-08-25

August 25, 2007

[]( A source for profiles of company and people, automatically culled from the web. (tags: [People]( [reference]( [Finding the Difference in Rs and Ds in a Cloud of Words | Daily Yonder]( Word clouds are a way to visualize the number of times a speaker uses certain words. Check out these clouds generated from the recent Republican and Democratic presidential candidate debates. (tags: [cloud]( [words]( [Making the Most of Your Time - Going Beyond To-Do Lists](http://changethis.